Hustle Hard Nyc Ministries

GLOBAL REVIVAL The 4Th Generation AWAKENING About Us Welcome to Global Revival: An Urban Apostolic Virtual Church and Training Center—a dynamic hub for believers worldwide seeking spiritual growth and empowerment [...]

What does the bible say about you?

Well, I can promise you that there is no one like you, as the Bible indicates in Psalm 139:13-16 and goes into great length on how God makes and continues to create each and every one of us: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.that in your mother wombs her knitted us togetherThat reveals a lot about the past and validates your purpose in life. The issue is that everyone, including myself, wants a rapid blueprint/visual representation of what function we provide, in the kingdom of God. This is the most pressing issue in today’s society; mankind has gotten estranged from its creator.  We have developed our own beliefs to freely believe we are where God meant us to be, and I am afraid to tell you that is not the case. We have established everything from religions to customs and still all fall short from the glory of God. Listen to my Podcast Here :Authenticating Me By Nancy Emil
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