Hustle Hard Nyc Ministries

Live Radio – Teaching on the Holy Spirit

The Holyspirit is one of the most important elements In this Kingdom of God, we can see throughout scripture that the spirit is the breath of God, in Hebrew the Ruach (pronounced roo-akh) is the Hebrew word for spirit, which is the breath, or wind, Of God, It is how God moves, by and thru his Holy Spirit. God is holy and the spirit can manifest through spoken words by God, or be instilled within the body by God through divine intervention. The spirit of God is not just words spoken by God but it engages powerfully as the breath is to our lungs to stay alive.n Hebrews 4:12, we read “The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” The word of God divides between soul and spirit (4:12) The spirit of God can do whatever it wants but it does not do what violates God’s holy ordinances. Since God gave us free will he will never take back what he gives, just like all God, gifts are irrevocable in Romans 11 :29 God never changes his mind about the people he calls and the things he gives them. He is sovereign in control of us all and yet gives us our own heart, soul mind, and will to govern. Is it our job to submit, surrender, and stay holy, or at least have a lifestyle of daily prayer included with daily repentance?

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