Hustle Hard Nyc Ministries

Welcome to the Family of God

Welcome to the Family of God: Sons and Daughters Called to Kingdom Service!

Kingdom Essentials are just as important today, In the biblical narrative, believers are likened to sons and daughters of God, embraced by His love and called to participate in His kingdom work. Just as the 5-fold ministry gifts equip and empower believers for service, understanding our identity and calling as sons and daughters of God unfolds in a 5-step journey of discovery, growth, and purpose.

  1. Discipleship:

    Embark on a journey of discipleship, following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, our ultimate example and teacher. Through studying His word, prayer, and fellowship, deepen your understanding of God's purpose, mercy, and grace in your life. Explore deep biblical truths from various faith traditions that contribute to the makeup of the GospeL.,.

  2. Royal Priesthood:

    Recognize your identity as heirs of God's kingdom and embrace stewardship as faithful stewards of His gifts and blessings. Manage your time, talents, and resources with integrity and generosity, knowing that everything you have is entrusted to you by your heavenly Father.

  3. Sainthood:

    Emulate Jesus, who came not to be served but to serve, by embracing servanthood as sons and daughters of God. Humbly serve others, demonstrating God's love, mercy, and grace in tangible ways, thereby fulfilling your purpose in His kingdom.

  4. Prophetic Nation:

    Answer the call to prophetic ministry—declare God's truth, righteousness, and mercy to the world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, speak forth God's word with boldness and conviction, bringing hope and transformation to lives and communities.

  5. Global Revival:

    Embrace your apostolic calling—to be sent out as ambassadors of Christ, carrying His message of reconciliation and grace to the ends of the earth. Plant seeds of faith, nurture disciples, and establish communities of believers, advancing God's kingdom in every sphere of society.

In understanding your gift and calling as sons and daughters of God, embrace His purpose, mercy, and grace in ministry. Through discipleship, stewardship, servanthood, prophetic ministry, and apostolic calling, fulfill your destiny as co-heirs with Christ, participating in His redemptive work and bringing glory to His name.

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